29 July 2015

Coverability for Vector Addition Systems

Vector addition systems are a model of computation. For this model, coverability is one of the easiest decision problems. This post presents an old (1978) upper bound, with accompanying code.

A VAS (vector addition system) is a model of computation that pops up occasionally. In this model, the state is a vector of dd nonnegative integers. At each time step, the state changes from vv to v+δv+δ. The shift δδ is chosen nondeterministically from some given finite set ΔΔ. If states VV are active now, then states VV are active next, where V={v+δvV and δΔ and v+δ0}V={v+δvV and δΔ and v+δ0} Here's how you compute VV from VV in Python:

def check_many(d, vs):
  for v in vs:
    assert d == len(v)
def check_one(d, *vs):
  check_many(d, vs)
def vas_step(d, Delta, vs):
  check_many(d, Delta)
  check_many(d, vs)
  ws = set()
  for v in vs:
    for delta in Delta:
      w = tuple(v[i] + delta[i] for i in range(d))
      if all(wi >= 0 for wi in w):
  return ws

The reachability problem asks whether there is some run going from uu to ww. The coverability problem asks whether there is some run going from uu to ww. Here's how coverability looks in Python:

def LE(u, v):
  assert len(u) == len(v)
  return all(u[i] <= v[i] for i in range(len(u)))
def vas_cover(d, Delta, u, w):
  check_many(d, Delta)
  check_one(d, u, w)
  vs = [u]
  while len(vs) > 0 and not any(LE(w, v) for v in vs):
    vs = vas_step(d, Delta, vs)
  return len(vs) > 0

For example, the code

print(vas_cover(2, [[1,-1], [-2,1]], [3,2], [10,10]))
print(vas_cover(2, [[1,-1], [-1,2]], [3,2], [10,10]))

The code I gave has a problem, though. This doesn't terminate:

print(vas_cover(2, [[1,0]], [0,0], [0,1]))

Can we fix it? One way to fix it is to stop after some time if we still didn't find a vector ww. But, after how much time? We can find one answer in [Rackoff, The Covering and Boundness Problems for Vector Addition Systems, 1978]. The bound given by Rackoff depends on ΔΔ and ww but not on uu. Let NN be the biggest absolute value of a number occurring in ΔΔ or ww. Then it is sufficient to try LdLd steps, where L0=1Lk=(NLk1)k+Lk1for k>0 The bounds L0,L1,L2, are of order N0,N1,N12+2,N123+23+3,; very roughly, LdO(Ndd!). Python code again:

def rackoff_bound(d, Delta, w):
  check_many(d, Delta)
  check_one(d, w)
  N = max(di for delta in Delta for di in delta)
  bound = 1
  for k in range(1, d + 1):
    bound = (N * bound) ** k + bound
  return bound

def rackoff_vas_cover(d, Delta, u, w):
  check_many(d, Delta)
  check_one(d, u, w)
  vs = [u]
  for i in range(rackoff_bound(d, Delta, w)):
    if any(LE(w, v) for v in vs):
      return True
    vs = vas_step(d, Delta, vs)
  return False
print(rackoff_vas_cover(2, [[1,-1], [-2,1]], [3,2], [10,10]))
print(rackoff_vas_cover(2, [[1,-1], [-1,2]], [3,2], [10,10]))
print(rackoff_vas_cover(2, [[1,0]], [0,0], [0,1]))

The output:

bound 6
bound 39
bound 6

We can solve the case that previously didn't terminate, using a bound of 6. But, why is this bound sufficient? Rackoff's proof uses two tricks: induction on coordinates, and a bounding box. Let I{0,1,,d1} be a set of coordinate indices. For a vector vZd, let v[I]Z|I| be its restriction to the coordinates indicated by I. We can lift the same notation to sets of vertices; for example, if ΔZd, then Δ[I]Z|I| and |Δ[I]||Δ|. We will prove by induction the following stronger statement:

Fix the target w, and the set of moves Δ. For all u and I, if there exists a run from u[I] to w[I] using moves from Δ[I] such that w[I]w[I], then there exists such a run of length <L|I|.

We will assume there exists a run, and we will show that there exists one of length <L|I|, by induction on the size of I.

The base case |I|=0 holds because w[]w[] always holds.

For the inductive case, we use a bounding box of size S: that is, we split runs into those that use only coordinates <S, and the others. If all coordinates are <S, then interesting runs have length <S|I|. (If v1[I]=v2[I] and v1[I]v2[I] is a subrun, then we simply cut it out.) But, maybe it's not possible to stay within this box. Then, there is some vertex v that is the first one outside the box. We cut our run into two pieces, u[I]v[I] and v[I]w[I], which we analyze separately. The first piece is of length <S|I| for the same reason as before. Let's move to the second piece, v[I]w[I]. Let II be those coordinates of v that are still within the bounding box. Then, by the induction hypothesis, there is a run from v[I] to w[I] using moves from Δ[I] of length <L|I|. What happens with the coordinates II? In v they are S, so they can become no smaller than SN(L|I|1). We would like w[II]w[II], so we pick S such that SN(L|I|1)N; that is, we pick Sdef=NL|I|1. With this choice, we get exactly the inductive case from the definition of Lk.

That concludes the proof.

Remark: Apart from presentation issues, there are two minor differences between what I said above and what you will find in Rackoff's paper. He does the induction on sets of indices of the form {0,1,,k1} and justifies this by saying at some point ‘without loss of generality’. That's perfectly fine once you understand the proof, but it confused me for awhile, although I can't say why. I decided to just go through all subsets of {0,1,,d1}. The second is that I measure the length of runs by the number of moves, while Rackoff's paper uses the number of states. I may have off-by-one errors, so I wasn't too explicit about this above. :p (But, if I some such errors slipped through, please let me know so I can fix the text and the code.)

What does this give us? A coverability algorithm that works in O(d|Δ|Ndd!) time. Not terribly fast, but still better than Ackermannian or non-primitive recursive.

I should say that there are some ways to speed up the algorithm, although it probably won't help with the asymptotics. One obvious change is to add a test in the loop of rackoff_vas_cover: if vs is empty, then answer False. A less obvious change is to run the whole thing backward. [update 20150731: Actually, there is a better upper bound for the backward algorithm. [Bozzelli, Ganty, Complexity Analysis for the Backward Coverability Algorithm for VASS, 2011] shows that the runtime of the algorithm below is of the same order of magnitude as Ld: doubly-exponential. Compare their Theorem 1 with their Theorem 2. Their Lemma 5 describes the algorithm from below, with minor differences.]

def vas_cover_backward(d, Delta, u, w):
  check_many(d, Delta)
  check_one(d, u, w)
  vs = [tuple(w)]
  while True:
    if any(LE(v, u) for v in vs):
      return True
    us = set()
    for v1 in vs:
      for delta in Delta:
        u1 = tuple(max(0, v1[i] - delta[i]) for i in range(d))
        if all(not LE(v2, u1) for v2 in vs):
    if len(us) == 0:
      return False
    vs = set(v for v in vs if all(not LE(v, u1) for u1 in us))
    vs |= us
  assert False
print(vas_cover_backward(2, [[1,-1], [-2,1]], [3,2], [10,10]))
print(vas_cover_backward(2, [[1,-1], [-1,2]], [3,2], [10,10]))
print(vas_cover_backward(2, [[1,0]], [0,0], [0,1]))

After the kth iteration, the set vs contains the minimal vectors that can reach w in k steps. I know this algorithm from Sylvain Schmitz and from the Section 2.2.2 of the algo-wqo lecture notes. [update: Sylvain also pointed some mistake I had in a previous version of the code.] The algorithm is presented there in the more general setting of WSTSs (well structured transition system). (A WSTS is essentially a transition system for which ab encodes what we'd intuitively describe as ‘b is an abstraction of a’ in program analysis.) Since abstraction came into discussion, I should say that midway writing this post I googled for more recent presentations of Rackoff's proof. I found an article that presents the proof in a more general (and abstract!) setting: [Lazic, Schmitz, The Ideal View of Rackoff's Coverability Technique, 2015] . I didn't read it, so I don't know what it says.

Let's move to a slightly higher vantage point. The more complicated the model of computation, the harder its decision problems. The more precise the question being asked by a decision problem, the harder to answer it. VASs are more complicated than finite automata, and not too far behind Turing machines. Coverability is one of the least precise questions one could ask of them, and it is doable in exponential space using the algorithms from above. Reachability is a more precise question, so solving it seems harder. Its story is in this post by Lipton: An EXPSPACE lower bound. So, one way to make life harder is by asking more precise questions. Another way is to make the model of computation more complicated: coverability is Ackermann-hard when you add reset [Schnoebelen, Revisiting Ackermann-hardness for Lossy Counter Machines and Reset Petri-Nets, 2010].

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