A brief summary of the Y-combinator trick, and an unusual use.
You may be familiar with the Y combinator and its sexy uses in functional programming. The standard examples of use are logging and caching. Let's summarize how the trick works. Given a recursive function f:a→b, you rewrite it into a non-recursive function f′:(a→b)→(a→b): The body of f′f (that is, f′ applied to its first argument which we name f) looks exactly the same as the body of f. At this point, types are already long, so I'll write t∘ for t→t. For example the type of f′ is (a→b)∘. The Y combinator has the type ∀αβ,(α→β)∘→(α→β). In words, Y takes a function like f′ and ‘ties the knot’ to give us back f. Before tying the knot, however, you may apply to f′ any number of transformers, which are functions of type (a→b)∘∘. Roughly, each transformer pre-processes the argument and post-processes the result.
Here is an example.
let rec y f x = f (y f) x let fib' fib n = if n < 2 then n else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) let p_int x = printf "%d\n" x let log p f' f n = p n; f' f n let fib = y (log p_int fib')
The call fib 3
prints the following:
3 1 2 0 1
But suppose you want to print the call graph.
init -> 3 3 -> 1 3 -> 2 2 -> 0 2 -> 1
To do so, a transformer needs access to the current value of the argument, but also to the previous value.
We will use a combinator successive
of type
It transforms an untied function of type (a→b)∘ into an untied function of type (c×a→b)∘, using a helper of type a→c.
let successive g f' f (x, y) = f' (fun z -> f (g y, z)) y let p_string_int (s, n) = printf "%s -> %d\n" s n let fib = y (log p_string_int (successive string_of_int fib')) let _ = fib ("init", 3)
Let's break down the types involved in the second to last line, because they can get long and may be hard to track in one's head.
fib' : (int -> int) -> (int -> int) string_of_int : int -> string successive : (int -> string) -> ((int -> int) -> (int -> int)) -> (string * int -> int) -> (string * int -> int) successive string_of_int fib' : (string * int -> int) -> (string * int -> int) p_string_int : string * int -> unit log : (string * int -> unit) -> ((string * int -> int) -> (string * int -> int)) -> (string * int -> int) -> (string * int -> int) log p_string_int (successive string_of_int fib') : (string * int -> int) -> (string * int -> int) y : ((string * int -> int) -> (string * int -> int)) -> (string * int -> int) fib : string * int -> int
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