There are several ways of extending the standard definitions of automata to infinite alphabets. Here I try to explain why the trivial extension (just use the same definitions) is not satisfactory and present a couple of alternatives.
The usual definitions go like this. Given is a finite set ΣΣ. We say that Σ is an alphabet and its elements are letters. Words are strings of letters, languages are sets of words. A finite automaton is a finite digraph whose arcs are labelled by letters, has a distinguished initial vertex, and has some vertices marked as being accepting. Each (finite) automaton determines a language, namely the set of those words obtained by concatenating the labels of a walk from the initial vertex to some accepting vertex. A language that can be described by a finite automaton is said to be regular.
Why restrict Σ to be finite? What could possibly cause problems if we allow it to be bigger? Isn't the generalization straightforward?
Yes and no.
Yes, we could simply remove the restriction on Σ and keep the same definitions. However, that would lead to situations that intuitively just don't feel right. For example, is the language L={abc∣c∈{a,b}} regular? With the definitions above L is regular exactly when Σ is finite. There is something unpleasant about a language suddenly becoming non-regular, although its (declarative) definition does not change.
Recall the standard model for (finite) automata: a transition function δ:X×Σ→X, where X=V is the (finite) set of vertices, an accepting function α:V→2, and the initial function ι:1→X. There are at least three ways of extending the standard model: finite-memory automata aka register automata (Francez and Kaminski, 1994), pebble automata, and data automata. All three are surveyed by Segoufin (2006). Thinking back of the language L, the intuitive reason why it cannot be recognized by a finite automaton is that we cannot easily remember the letters we saw. So the natural thing to try is to add a (finite) memory to the automaton. This suggests distinguishing between the (not necessarily finite) set of states X and the finite set of vertices V. For example, we could take X=V×Σk for some k. The automaton has k registers. However, now the automaton is too powerful. For example, take V to be the singleton set 1, and Σ to be the set of natural numbers N, and k to be 1. Then δ could be essentially any function N×N→N. We did not even require it to be computable! The class of languages recognized by such a device is clearly too big to be called "regular". This is why extra restrictions on δ are needed. Francez and Kaminski (1994) essentially required that all that δ can do with letters is (1) store them in registers and (2) compare them for equality.
Finally, Bojanczyk et al (2011) give what I think is a very cute extension of the standard model of (finite) automata.
Their model is still a triple (δ,α,ι) of functions with the types as given above. However, the extra restrictions are much more principled. Now X and Σ are required to be G-Sets (for some group G), and all the three functions are required to be invariant. (These concepts are explained in my previous post on group actions.) A language is now G-regular when it is recognized by an automaton for which both X and Σ have a finite number of orbits.
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